Photos>Labor Day Run, with some pix of that fire (September 2)
The essence of cross
country...or at least what it should be
That is a BIG, umm, car?
The bug and the hummer.
I got my money on Steffen in this match up
Setting up for the group photo
TL! (where's Waldo, I mean, James?)
Our team in gray, for all the
people that like that. This better be in the yearbook
James is late
"Hill repeats because James is
We have a hard time keeping a straight
There was a fire after our run, on the
hill behind Scotty's
No more running Long Ridge for a while
In come the fire engines. I think these
were from Novato.
Bruce, my cousin Eric (Remer) and his
dad were there. And that gold van belongs to Shwan's parents!They were on their way to a picnic at Santa Margarita park, and happened to drive by as I took the picture. I didn't even know this until Shwan identified it. Scary coincidence.