Photos>Viking Invitational (September 14)

There is no point, Szabo. (the shirt)
Bruce taking down Schmitt. Told ya TL could beat Redwood.
After the alumni race
Bruce is tired
How James prepares
Miles and MiNiSoS
How Daniel prepares
Sorry, these pictures aren't all G rated
A scenic picture of James
Look, someone painted a picture of the above photo! Now who did that...?
"I'll teach those Redwood [@#$%#]" -Szabo
It's the top 5 after the race
James ain't happy
Nick's hand got beat up a little
Steffen halfway through!
Kyle halfway through!
Steffen finishing 8th!!!
Kyle taking down that 2 mile course
Yes, men, if you don't believe the results, look here!
Sos not happy...
Sos happy!
5th place for Sos!
Steffen waiting his turn
8th place for Steffen!
Just a test of the group photo, but Sos looks funny, so i posted it.
On to Chevy's
Kudos to the parents!
Bruce and his American flag patch
How's the marguerita, Bruce?
Eating food
The following were requested by Szabo, Sos etc, I have nothing to do with them.
Sos' food
Eating Sos' food
Bruce's hair